As of 2012, this web page is archived.Much has happened in Cuba and internationally in the last few years and many other sites have recent and on-going information on Cuba:This site has links such as: |
May 20th 2006 at the Cuban Interests Section, DC Ready to march to the White House! |
Fact Sheet on the Threat Posed by Bush's "Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba"(CAFC) Recent Poll Shows support for Bush's Cuba policies slipping among Cuban Americans - PDF report Updated: 12/20/2014 |
CubaCoopera - International Health Cooperation of the Goverment of Cuba[Note: This site seems to be down temporarily. We will add sites shortly.] This new site covers in detail Cuba's incredible programs providing free health care and medical and literacy training to hundreds of thousands of people in need throughout Latin America, the Carribean, Africa and many other countries |
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